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BAEA unites biology and engineering, thus creating a complete ecosystem for the cultivation of different living beings. Due to the experience of the team, the microalgae will be the ones to enjoy this ecosystem around its optimal cultivation, called ALGAVERSO by BAEA.







ALGAVERSO is made up of two complementary lines around the cultivation and exploitation of microalgae: decarbonization through the production of microalgae and extraction of their products of interest (biological line), and marketing and design of LED lighting systems, focused on optimizing microalgae cultivation (engineering line).


In the case of the biological line, ALGAVERSO® is made up of highly qualified personnel with recognized knowledge in the cultivation of microalgae. In fact, ALGAVERSO is a biotechnological spin-off of the UPV/EHU, specifically derived from research at the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU) and the Basque Collection of Microalgae Cultures (BMCC).


Regarding the engineering line, ALGAVERSO is made up of a biotechnological multidisciplinary group that already has a patented product in the industrialization stage: SIA (Automated Lighting System), a 100% adaptable, modular LED system, capable of being monitored and controlled by a mobile application and specially designed to be able to provide the microalgae with any light condition for optimal cultivation.

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Engineers and computer experts

Team of collaborators from the field of private companies with experience in industrial engineering, programming and database management.


Esther Blanco-Rayón

BAEA founding member. Co-inventor of the patented system SIA. Lecturer at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) of Cell Biology and researcher in the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU). PhD in Biology. PhD Extraordinary Prize by the UPV/EHU. Curator of the Basque Microalgae Culture Collection (BMCC) (2019-2022). Author of  articles published in journals of international impact. Participation in international projects.

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